Port News & Information Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Seas


Slovenia is a republic in southeastern Europe: member of the European Union; it has just 47km of coastline on the Northern Adriatic Sea which is the location of Koper port, the country’s only seaport; the port is managed by state-owned Luka Koper d.d.

Luka Koper brings significant dividend to Slovenian government

Koper, Slovenia (PortSEurope) April 26, 2017 – The Slovenian government’s dividend yield from stakes in state-owned companies continued to grow in...

EU invests €22.1 million supporting synergies between transport & energy sectors

Brussels, Belgium, April 24, 2017 – EU invests €22.1 million supporting synergies between transport & energy sectors Today, EU Member States...

TFG Transfracht links up with Koper port

Koper, Slovenia (PortSEurope) April 25, 2017 – TFG Transfracht, a provider of containerized seaport hinterland services, is to integrate the Adriatic...

Slovenian Parliament to vote on Koper railway project upgrade on April 26

Koper, Slovenia (PortSEurope) April 25, 2017 – The bill on the project for the upgrade of the railway line connecting Slovenia’s Koper port to the...

Slovene government approves Koper-hinterland rail link

Koper, Slovenia (PortSEurope) April 24, 2017 – Last night, the Slovenian Parliament passed an urgent bill to approve the building of a new high-speed...

Luka Koper – Maritime throughput and revenues in Jan–Mar 2017

Luka Koper, Slovenia, April 12, 2017 – On the basis of the Rules of Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the Financial Instruments Market Act RS, Luka Koper d.d....

Studies on possibilities of using LNG at the port of Koper

Koper, Slovenia, April 6, 2017 – The Directive 2014/94/EU on deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure was adopted with the aim of minimising...

Luka Koper unsure about Hungarian financial support for railway project

Koper, Slovenia (Ports Europe) April 10, 2017 – Hungary’s financial participation in the project for the construction of a second rail track serving...

Koper port receives super post-panamax Liebherr crane

Koper, Slovenia, April 5, 2017 THE BIGGEST IN THE ADRIATIC AND BEYOND Today, the first of two quayside container cranes of super post-panamax (SPPX) dimensions...

Ekol opens company in Slovenia

Istanbul, Turkey (Ports Europe) April 4, 2017 – Turkish logistics company Ekol Logistics is opening a warehouse near Ljubljana, Slovenia, where services...

Government discusses options for including Luka Koper in Divaca project

Koper, Slovenia (Ports Europe) April 4, 2017 – Representatives of Slovenian Infrastructure Ministry and Luka Koper d.d., the operator of Koper port, have...

Luka Koper – proposal of the allocation of 2016 accumulated profit

Luka Koper, d.d., Koper – Proposal of the allocation of 2016 accumulated profit The Supervisory Board of Luka Koper, d.d. has on its regular session on...

Luka Koper supervisory board approves new investment in car storing facility

Luka Koper, d.d., Koper Supervisory Board approves new investment in car storing facility The Supervisory Board of Luka Koper, d.d. has on it regular session...

Luka Koper supervisory board to the bill for the second railway track Divača

Luka Koper, d.d., Koper – Response of the Supervisory board to the bill on the construction, administration and management of the second railway track...

Luka Koper Group and Luka Koper d.d. – 2016 Annual Report – Summary

Koper, Slovenia, April 3, 2017 – Business Performance Highlights of the Luka Koper Group in 2016. The major maritime throughput of 22 million of goods...

Eurogate Intermodal reinforces south-east services to Istanbul

Hamburg, Germany (Ports Europe) March 28, 2017 – Eurogate Intermodal (EGIM) is expanding its intermodal transport network and reinforcing Munich as a hub...

Koper port opposes bill on Divaca railway project

Koper, Slovenia (Ports Europe) March 27, 2017 – Luka Koper d.d, the operator of Slovenia’s Koper harbour, said it finds the content of the government...

Slovenian government publishes bill for Divaca-Koper railway project

Koper, Slovenia (Ports Europe) March 27, 2017 – Slovenian Infrastructure Ministry has published a bill on the project for construction of second rail track...

Koper port hosts Fresh Food Corridors meeting

Koper, Slovenia (Ports Europe) March 21, 2017 – Luka Koper has hosted a delegation of partners with the representative of the European executive...

Munich forum in Koper explores business opportunities

Koper, Slovenia (Ports Europe) March 17, 2017 – On March 15, 2017, in cooperation with the Slovenian Embassy in Germany, the Bavarian Ministry of...

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