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European Investment Bank (EIB)

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the lending arm of the European Union. It is one of the biggest multilateral financial institution in the world.

Infrastructure of Ukraine is gradually being modernized and integrated into the EU – Volodymyr Omelyan

News – Ukraine Ministry of Infrastructure – March 28, 2018 The infrastructure of Ukraine is gradually being modernized and integrated into the EU...

EIB agrees to extend €120 million loan to Ravenna port

Ravenna, Italy (Ports Europe) April 2, 2019 – Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Centro-Settentrionale (AdSP – Centre-North Adriatic...

Ukraine together with the EU will develop the infrastructure of Azov region – Volodymyr Omelyan

March 20, 2019 – Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine – Ukraine together with the EU will develop the infrastructure of Azov region –...

European Investment Bank loans Ecoslops up to €18M

Marseille, France (Ports Europe) February 11, 2019 – The EU’s European Investment bank (EIB) is to load €18 million ($20.37 million) to the...

EIB pays first tranche of €195 million loan to AdSP – Civitavecchia

Civitavecchia, Italy (PortSEurope) November 29, 2018 – Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro-Settentrionale (AdSP – Centre-North...

Barcelona port approves early repayment of two EIB loans

Barcelona, Spain (PortSEurope) November 1, 2018 – Barcelona port authority has approved the repayment in advance of two loans with the European...

AdSP Civitavecchia announces EIB investment

Civitavecchia, Italy (Ports Europe) October 4, 2018 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) has approved €195 million in financing for the expansion of...

EIB approves €195 million financing of projects at Civitavecchia, Fiumicino ports

Civitavecchia, Italy (Ports Europe) October 4, 2018 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) has approved a €195 million ($224.7 million) loan to...

European Commission announces CEF financing for TriesteRailPort

Trieste, Italy (Ports Europe) September 30, 2018 – The European Commission has announced financing for the TriesteRailPort project, proposed by...

A Coruña port opposes Valencia’s debt write-off

A Coruña, Spain (Ports Europe) September 4, 2018 – The decision of the Spanish government to write off a €350 million ($404.72 million) debt of the...

EIB cooperates with China with new €500 million Silk Road Fund equity investment initiative

Brussels, Belgium (Ports Europe) July 16, 2018 – At the EU-China summit June 2, 2018, the European Investment Fund and the Silk Road Fund signed a...

European Investment Bank supports Marseille port with financing

European Investment Bank – Press Release – May 28, 2018 The European Investment Bank (EIB), which is the Bank of the European Union, has today...

European Investment Bank to provide financing to Marseille port

Marseille, France (PortSEurope) May 28, 2018 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) is to provide €50m in financing to support development projects of...

Genoa hosts Silk Road forum

Genoa, Italy (Ports Europe) March 29, 2018 – On Friday 23 March 2018 the Authority hosted the convention “The Silk Road in the New Perspective of...

CIPE approves Ravenna port hub project

Ravenna, Italy (Ports Europe) February 28, 2018 – The project for the port hub of Ravenna has been approved by Comitato interministeriale per la...

European Investment Bank to support Thessaloniki port development

Thessaloniki, Greece (PortSEurope) January 3, 2018 – The “green light” for the consolidation of Thessaloniki’s seafront, from...

Castellón port to get €1.2 million financing from EIB

Castellón, Spain (PortSEurope) November 24, 2017 – Castellón port authority (Autoridad Portuaria de Castellón) will receive a €1.2 million ($1.4...

European Investment Bank: Portuguese ports private investment plan 2017-2019

Lisbon, Portugal (PortSEurope) November 12, 2017 –  The European Investment Bank (EIB) has given details of a project to expand the capacity of existing...

High speed Basque railway line gets EIB €600M boost

Bilbao, Spain (PortSEurope) October 24, 2017 – The European Investment bank (EIB) has signed a €600m loan with Adif AV to finance the “Y Vasca”...

EIB presents two development loans for Alexandria port

Alexandria, Egypt (Ports Europe) September 26, 2017 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) has offered $1bn for to finance two projects located within the...

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