Port News & Information Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Seas


The Port of Ancona is located in the middle of the Italian Adriatic coast. The port areas are 1.4 million m², articulated in passen­ger and ferry terminals, container and general cargo facilities. The port has a key function in the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region as terminal of the international ferry routes to Greece, Croatia and Albania.
In particular, the route Ancona-Igoumenitsa-Patras has become in the years the main route between Greece and Central Europe. Ancona is the first port for the RO/PAX traffic between Greece and Central and Western Europe. Relevant investments are ongoing to improve the container terminal by deepening the port basin to -14 meters and extending the existing 333 meters quay to 600 meters. It is managed by Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Centrale (Central Adriatic Sea Port Authority).

The new Italian port authority system explained

Rome, Italy (PortSEurope) June 25, 2017 – On September 2, 2016, new legislation on the Italian Port Authority (AdSP) was issued, regulating not only the...

TEN-T – Connecting Europe – Core network corridors

Brussels, Belgium (PortSEurope) June 19, 2017 – TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Networks) envisages coordinated improvements to primary roads, railways,...

Gruppo Laghezza opens offices in Venice, Ancona

Venice, Italy (PortSEurope) June 14, 2017 – Italian port services firm Gruppo Laghezza S.r.l. has opened offices in Venice and Ancona as part of its efforts...

Minoan replaces Trieste with Venice in ferry route connecting Ancona to Greece

Venice, Italy (Ports Europe) January 19, 2017 – Minoan Grimaldi Lines has changed the route of its ferry line connecting Ancona to the Greek ports of...

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