Port News & Information Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Seas

Silk Road

The new Silk Road (part of the Belt and Road initiative also known as One Belt, One Road, or OBOR) is a Chinese economic strategy to seek better access for Chinese-made products in European markets, which includes acquiring stakes in ports and other transport facilities, and cooperation agreements with countries along the Silk Road routes.

It involves road, rail and ship, but focuses on the last two. Many countries along the route are developing facilities to handle high cargo volumes. This includes ports around the Caspian and Black Seas.

Chinese ambassador visits Valencia port

Valencia, Spain (Ports Europe) April 10, 2017 – Valencia port has received a visit of the Chinese ambassador to Spain, Lyu Fan. The meeting, which was also...

Greek PM in Beijing in May for silk road event

Piraeus, Greece (Ports Europe) April 7, 2017 – Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will visit China for the Belt and Road forum May 14-15 to discuss...

Silk Road International mulls over Valencia headquarters

Valencia, Spain (Ports Europe) April 7, 2017 – Valencia port was visited by representatives of Silk Road International (SICO), one of the most important...

Constanta port hosts silk road event

Constanta, Romania (Ports Europe) April 5, 2017 – Today at the headquarters of NC Maritime Ports Administration SA, the Round Table “Constanta...

Chinese delegation visits Mediterranean ports

Livorno, Italy (Ports Europe) March 28, 2017 – A delegation from state-owned China Railway International visited Livorno port last week with an interest...

Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to develop transport corridor

Astana, Azerbaijan (Ports Europe) March 6, 2017 – Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have agreed to jointly develop international transport and transit...

Event – Silk Road Investment Forum – London, April 6-7, 2017

London, United Kingdom (Ports Europe) February 20, 2017 – The Silk Road Investment Forum is the premier event for Eurasian infrastructure investment. It...

COSCO starts China-Europe sea-to-shore trade route

Piraeus, Greece (Ports Europe) February 8, 2017 – The sea-to-shore trade route between China and Europe through the Greek port of Piraeus has officially...

China’s ambassador tours Lebanon’s Tripoli port

Tripoli, Lebanon (Ports Europe) February 7, 2017 – Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon, Wang Kijian, toured on Tuesday Tripoli port, along with a delegation of...

Cosco presence in Greece yet to be exploited

Piraeus, Greece (Ports Europe) January 22, 2017 – At Naftemporiki’s 3rd annual shipping conference last week, Tassos Vamvakidis, the commercial...

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