Port News & Information Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Seas


All issues linked to planning and strategies of companies, organisations and governments which own ports. This includes plans to increase traffic and the capacity of ports and generate revenue.

CCI managing multiple tasks in Nice port

Nice, France (PortSEurope) November 1, 2017 – In January 2017, CCI Nice-Côte d’Azur (Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Nice Côte d’Azur)...

Algeciras port to invest €56 million in 2018

Algeciras, Spain (PortSEurope) October 31, 2017 – Algeciras port authority (Autoridad Portuaria Bahía de Algeciras) has approved a draft business plan for...

Málaga port studies cruise cooperation deal with Tangier, Tenerife

Málaga, Spain (PortSEurope) October 31, 2017 – The president of Málaga port authority (Autoridad Portuaria de Málaga), Paulino Plata, has said that the...

Reganosa plans to be marine LNG supplier in Ferrol port region

Ferrol, Spain (PortSEurope) October 30, 2017 – The Spanish energy company Regasificadora del Noroeste S.A. (Reganosa) plans to supply says LNG as a...

Solutions sought for Manfredonia port issues

Manfredonia, Italy (PortSEurope) October 29, 2017 – Several steps have been taken to address a number issues of concern to users and operators of...

CIRCLE S.R.L. to coordinate “DocksTheFuture”

Genoa, Italy, 27 October 2017 CIRCLE S.R.L. will coordinate “DocksTheFuture”, the European Project selected by INEA under Horizon 2020 Programme that will...

Bordeaux Port Authority, VNF and EPIDOR sign a charter for development of river tourism

Bordeaux, France (PortSEurope) October 21, 2017 – Whilst the port of Bordeaux (Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux) has developed a cruise industry, there...

Venice port president calls for fair competition between Adriatic ports

Venice, Italy (PortSEurope) October 19, 2017 – Venice port president Pino Musolino has said the harbour needs to compete on equal terms with the other ports...

Venice port 2018-2020 plan approved

Venice, Italy (PortSEurope) October 17, 2017 – Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale (Port Authority System Management Board...

Valencia port tenders technical assistance for special plan drafting

Valencia, Spain (Ports Europe) October 13, 2017 – Valencia port authority (Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia) has tendered the technical assistance for...

Cadiz economic mission visits Morocco

Casablanca, Morocco (Ports Europe) October 11, 2017 – About twenty companies and institutions from the province of Cadiz (southern Spain) are visiting...

Conftrasporto association says new port system slows down overall freight traffic

Rome, Italy (Ports Europe) October 11, 2017 – The president of Conftrasporto business association, has said that the new Italian port system is not...

UPE13 association visits Marseille port

Marseille, France (Ports Europe) October 11, 2017 – A delegation of more than twenty entrepreneurs of the UPE13 (Union pour les Entreprises des...

Ports, Intermodality and Logistics in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor

Genoa, Italy, October 2, 2017 Ports, Intermodality and Logistics in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor On 2 October 2017, Palazzo San Giorgio (Genoa), hosted...

Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company updates on Interreg Danube projects progress

Burgas, Bulgaria (Ports Europe) October 10, 2017 – The Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BIP Co.) has held a meeting to present progress on the...

Genoa port set to reuse old Piaggio plant land

Genoa, Italy (Ports Europe) October 9, 2017 – The Regional Council, the Municipality of Genoa and Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure...

Genoa port meets with trade unions

Genoa, Italy (Ports Europe) October 9, 2017 – During the meeting with Segreterie Confederali CGIL – CISL – UIL (trade unions) held October 6...

The image of Marseille port improves according to survey

Marseille, France (Ports Europe) October 9, 2017 – On behalf of the port of Marseille Fos, an independent company has carried out a survey of 500...

“DocksTheFuture” project included in Horizon 2020 approved transport projects

Brussels, Belgium (Ports Europe) October 8, 2017 – The EU Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) has announced that 27 projects have been...

Operatori Portuali Salentini meet port authority to discuss planning

Brindisi, Italy (Ports Europe) October 7, 2017 – The Operatori Portuali Salentini (OPS – Association of Port Operators Salentini) board of directors...

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