Port News & Information Mediterranean, Black & Caspian Seas

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal. For ports, this includes the installation of solar and wind on- and offshore) projects to produce their own energy. This will help meets the European Union’s targets in its Renewable Energy Directive. Solar energy plays a key role in the clean energy transition. It will contribute to reaching the objectives of the REPowerEU plan and reduce the EU’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Huelva port & Enagás promote sustainable cold logistics hub allowing savings of up to 50% in energy costs

News Release – Port Authority of Huelva and Enagás promote a sustainable cold logistics hub that will allow savings of up to 50% in energy costs –...

Motril port completes first shipment of largest Spain-manufactured wind blades

Motril, Spain (PortSEurope) June 21, 2019 – The first shipment of the largest wind turbine blades currently manufactured in Spain, 74 metres long, has been...

Atlantic regions institutions launch project for energy self-sufficiency at ports

Oviedo, Spain (Ports Europe) April 23, 2019 – Eighteen institutions in the regions bordered by the Atlantic Ocean have launched the Ports Towards Energy...

Eni starts wave power energy generation at the Ravenna offshore site

Ravenna, Italy (Ports Europe) March 28, 2019 – The Italian energy company Eni SpA has installed and activated the Inertial Sea Wave Energy Converter...

Haizea Wind to build monopiles of the first Italian wind farm, located at Taranto port

Taranto, Italy (Ports Europe) March 27, 2019 – Bilbao-based Haizea Wind Group (HWG), a manufacturer of wind towers and offshore foundations, has signed a...

Spain’s Haizea Wind acquires WEC

Bilbao, Spain (Ports Europe) February 13, 2019 – Spain’s Haizea Wind Group (HWG), specialised in the construction of wind towers and offshore marine...

Vigo port to receive 100% renewable energy by 2021

Vigo, Spain (PortSEurope) November 21, 2018 – Spanish power utility Endesa SA has won a €2 million ($2.3 million) contract to supply electricity to Vigo...

Marine Maritime Cluster of Andalusia celebrates the 1st edition of Blue Energy Lab in Malaga port

Málaga, Spain (PortSEurope) November 4, 2018 – Clúster Marítimo Marino de Andalucía (CMMA – the Marine Maritime Cluster of Andalusia) has held...

Taranto port signs agreement to improve energy efficiency

Taranto, Italy (Ports Europe) September 21, 2018 – Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ionio (AdSP – Ionian Sea Port Authority) has signed a...

“Energy Observer” to visit Valencia port

Valencia, Spain (Ports Europe) August 29, 2018 – “Energy Observer”, the first ship propelled by renewable energies and hydrogen, will stop in...

Spain’s Haizea Wind gets five Lloyd’s certificates 

Bilbao, Spain (Ports Europe) August 17, 2018 – Spanish company Haizea Wind has obtained five Lloyd’s certificates in just over two months from the...

Tarragona port to invest €1.7 million in building construction

Tarragona, Spain (Ports Europe) August 17, 2018 – Tarragona port plans to invest €1.7 million ($1.9 million) in the construction of a building for...

Bilbao port reports increase cargo handled in Jan-Jul 2018

Bilbao, Spain (Ports Europe) July 24, 2018 – At the provisional close of the first half year, traffic in the port of Bilbao showed an 11% increase, which...

Spain’s Haizea Wind starts production of wind towers at Bilbao port

Bilbao, Spain (Ports Europe) July 24, 2018 – Spanish company Haizea Wind has completed the production of its first wind towers in the plant in the port of...

Haizea Wind launches wind towers plant in Bilbao port

Bilbao, Spain (PortSEurope) May 25, 2018 – Spanish company Haizea Wind has launched the operation of its plant in Bilbao port, where it manufactures wind...

Motril port breaks record for traffic of wind blades

Motril, Spain (PortSEurope) May 22, 2017 – Motril port has exceeded its export record of wind blades with 225 units shipped so far in May, which represents...

EU: Ocean energy – a sustainable blue growth opportunity for Europe

EU: Ocean energy – a sustainable blue growth opportunity for Europe, April 27, 2018 On 27 March, Commissioner Vella met with 20 leading companies operating...

New Genoa port breakwater will host a park dedicated to renewables

Genoa, Italy (Ports Europe) April 18, 2018 – The new Genoa breakwater will have facilities dedicated to renewables with next-generation wind turbines...

Naples port to call tender for energy efficiency projects this year

Naples, Italy (Ports Europe) April 6, 2018 – Naples port is considering introducing an energy efficiency plan that includes a broader use of renewable energy...

Private companies invest €71 million in Bilbao port in 2017

Bilbao, Spain (Ports Europe) February 27, 2018 – The Port of Bilbao has reached an occupancy rate of nearly 83% in 2017 and private enterprise is...

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