Newcastle, United Kingdom (Ports Europe) December 4, 2024 – The Green North Sea Shipping Corridor Project has been officially inaugurated, aiming to create one of the world’s first green shipping corridors between the Port of Tyne and the Port of IJmuiden in Amsterdam.
Green corridors are zero-emission maritime routes between two or more ports.
It is part of a GBP 9 million project at the Port of Tyne to decarbonise shipping and create green jobs. Partners in the project include the ports, shipper DFDS, engineering consultancy Ricardo and maritime data and communication provider KVSA.
The plan is for DFDS to adopt methanol-fuelled RoRo/RoPax vessels, replacing current ageing ships. DFDS operates a a popular DFDS ferry route between the Port of Tyne’s International Passenger Terminal and the Port of IJmuiden.
The Port of IJmuiden is situated directly by the sea at the entrance to the North Sea Canal Area. The port is always accessible and close to Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport.
Zeehaven IJmuiden N.V. owns and operates IJmuiden’s ports, sites and fish auction. Since 1989 it has been a private enterprise with activities covering an area of 187.5 ha, including harbour basins.
A press release with more details can be accessed here
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