Rome, Italy (Ports Europe) July 31, 2023 – The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has disbursed an advance of €14.7 million to the 12 Port System Authorities (AdSPs), thus covering half of the planned total value of the financed projects. This funding is intended to implement, secure and build crucial infrastructure for the development of important port areas, both for goods and passengers.
Italy: The Port System Authorities
Following the 15 September 2016 Legislative Decree No. 169 of 2016 (GU 31 August 2016) reorganizing the Port Authorities, 16 new Port System Authorities (AdSPs) were created in place of the current ones. The 62 ports of national importance are therefore coordinated by 16 Port System Authorities with the task of planning, coordinating and regulating the port system in the reference area.
According to Law 84-94, the AdSPs are responsible for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the common parts in the port area, for administrative activities and for the assignment and control of the activities aimed at the supply for a fee to port users, as well as for the promotion of connection forms with rear port and inland port logistics systems.
Updated: July 31, 2023
Among the priority works that will be financed there are projects for the expansion of the docks and terminals, improvement of the safety and environmental protection structures, optimization of the logistics and transport systems, as well as the construction of infrastructures intended to handle more and more tourists and cruise passengers.
Ports Europe: News about Italian ports
Improvements by port authority:
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro-Settentrionale (AdSP – Centre-North Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority)
- Civitavecchia – energy dock for large cargo €2,741,000.00;
- Civitavecchia – Cristoforo Colombo barrier: Extension of the barrier second section €660,000;
- Fiumicino – New commercial port €1,509,000.
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale (AdSP – North Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority)
- Livorno – preliminary design for the completion of the Bellana Canal (II Lot) €20,000;
- Livorno – extraordinary maintenance of 800 m of the western bank of the Industrial Canal €143,000.
Autorità di Sistema Portuale dei Mari Tirreno Meridionale e Ionio (AdSP – Southern Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas)
- Corigliano Calabro – new construction works and modernization of the access road to the last mile €120,000;
- Crotone – construction of the works in continuation of the breakwater of the old port of Crotone to improve the shelter in adverse weather conditions €140,000;
- Gioia Tauro – construction of an industrial warehouse in the former Enel area €1,000,000;
- Crotone – construction of a multifunctional centre to be used as a maritime station and headquarters of the AdSP €450,000;
- Crotone – adjustment of the Giunti pier €200,000;
- Crotone – adjustment of the Foraneo pier to be allocated to the docking of cruise ships €200,000;
- Vibo Valentia – adjustment of the Benghazi quay €200,000;
- Vibo Valentia – upgrading of the South pier (Molo Generale Malta – Molo Cortese) €200,000.
Autorità di Sistema Portuale dello Stretto (AdSP – Strait)
- Messina – project for the return to urban use of a polluted industrial area, reclamation and redevelopment of areas in the Falcata area of Messina €3,000,000;
- Messina – project for the improvement of the ferry service on the Strait of Messina construction of a logistics platform, retroport areas and a railway terminal to support the new port of Tremestieri €2,600,000;
- Milazzo – project for the upgrading of the port of Milazzo as a primary connection hub with the Aeolian islands. construction of the road linking the port with the primary network €1,000,000.
Autorita’di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale (AdSPMLO – Eastern Ligurian Sea Port Authority)
- Carrara – reprofiling of the breakwater head of the port of Marina di Carrara €24,000.
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Occidentale (AdSP – Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority)
- Genoa – extraordinary program – adaptation of the industrial site of Sestri Ponente €3,360,843;
- Genoa – design and construction of breakwater €3,680,469;
- Genoa – Sampierdarena and passenger port dredging €147,8575;
- Genoa – redevelopment of the railway infrastructure connecting to the “Campasso” Park, construction of electric traction in the “Molo Nuovo/Parco Rugna” / “Submersible Line” tunnel sections €208,876; complementary works for flooring for the expansion of the Ponte Ronco and Canepa container terminals €355,000;
- Genoa – Port of Voltri-Pra’ reefs re-flowering €151,676;
- Genoa – extraordinary infrastructural upgrading program of the new Calata Bettolo for replacement agreement €310,616;
- Genoa – extraordinary program for the adaptation of port security infrastructures €138,014.
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ionio (AdSP – Port Authority of the Ionian Sea-Port of Taranto)
- Taranto – dredging for reclamation and maintenance of the seabed in front of the docks of the port at anchor and the relative management of the dredged sediments, design, contracting authority and construction supervision €135,000.
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare di Sicilia Occidentale (AdSP – Western Sicilian Sea Port Authority)
- Trapani – competition of ideas for the acquisition of project proposals for the regeneration of the historic water front of the port (design) €2,520,000.
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare Di Sardegna (AdSP – Sardinian Sea Port Authority)
- Olbia – construction of a square in the dirt area of Porto Cocciani €35,935;
- Cagliari – Canale port €71,862.
Port System Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Meridionale (AdSPMAM – Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority) of the Southern Adriatic Sea
- Monopoli – excavation work aimed at deepening the seabed up to the quotas envisaged by the plan in force €150,000;
- Manfredonia – seabed maintenance work in the commercial port for the restoration of the pre-existing quotas. €200,000.
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale (AdSPMAS – Northern Adriatic Sea Port Authority)
- Venice – waterfront redevelopment of the port areas between Sant’Andrea and San Basilio €500,000;
- Chioggia – redevelopment of the Chioggia port lounge area €500,000;
- Venice – intermodal platform in the Montesyndial area €1,200,000;
- Venice – adaptation of last mile road accessibility to the commercial terminals of the port island of Porto Marghera €800,000.
Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Centro-Settentrionale (AdSP – Centre-North Adriatic Port Authority)
- Ravenna – feasibility project for the completion of the docks in the Trattaroli peninsula, to integrate what is contemplated in the port hub project phase I €320,000;
- Ravenna – feasibility project for carrying out the strengthening and possible raising of the port access structures €257,000;
- Ravenna feasibility project of the viability connection to the cruise terminal that bypasses the town of Porto Corsini €110,000.
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