Genoa, Italy (PortSEurope) December 15, 2022 – A consortium of MSC Group, Ignazio Messina & C., Number 1 Logistic and Interglobo is proposing a new logistics hub in the Port of Genoa.
The proposal covers an unused 270,000 m³ area owned by the Company for Cornigliano, assigned with surface rights, to the Acciaierie di Cornigliano. The consortium presented the plan to the Municipality of Genoa and Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Occidentale (AdSP – Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority).
The area is traditionally an Ilva steel producing region, but the land under consideration is unused.
The aim is to create a national logistics hub with digital infrastructure, create around 400 jobs and provide a service which will enable the port to better compete internationally.
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